- Virgin snow is the best to ride in. It is a special treat. Fun, beautiful. Nothing like it in the world
- The worst snow to ride in is a measurable amount that has been on the street for hours without a plow clearing it off. Once a few dozen cars trample it the snow turns into the consistency of a thick quick sand. Tires don't know where to bite. One moment fine, the next the rear wheel drops 1/2" and slows down significantly. It sucks, skinny, fat, studded, I have yet to find the tire to work on it.
- No one with a fat bike can answer the above question for me.
- I am not spending $2K on a fat bike just to ride .5 miles on a snow day
- It gets dark earlier during winter. 430 pm feels like 8 pm
- In autumn and winter bicyclist are like box elder bugs, the warmer it gets the more you see!
- Deer are easier to see at night than joggers. Their eyes give them away.
- Shirt/vest/jacket idea "I would not ride on this road if the trail was plowed"
- On snowy mornings I get to work before my boss. He drives a 4x4 Chevy, I ride a Trek
- If I drove on a snowy morning I could possibly cause thousands of $$ in damages and prolly kill people. On my bicycle I just look stupid.
- To keep the water bottle from freezing I turn it upside down.
- Others use bourbon to keep the water bottle from freezing.
- I only had to purchase ice on BRR once. It was 55F
- I like winter because it clears the herd off of Gray's Lake. Professionals only. Seriously, it is the only time of year that I can loop the lake on bike.
- Why do joggers dress in stealth colors when it is dark?
- In deep snow I can push my bike faster by myself than the 3 of you pushing that Toyota
- When it snows it averages 50 vehicles collisions in Des Moines
- It's easier to pull off the trail and pee when its cold and dark
- It's warmer to ride with an empty bladder
- Studded tires stopped my crashing by 99 %
- Those big puffy wet snow flakes may be pretty but if the bicycle sits outside for 8 hours while you work don't expect the brakes and shifting to work
- Nothing in the world can match a moonlit morning ride on the trail on fresh snow when the only tracks are mine and the fox that I can never catch
- My favorite snow ride experience was bumping into Bob Moural in Water Works. We ponied up the bikes and drank a beer. Love it when the Cumming Tap delivers!
- I used to mountain bike in winter without lights. White was trail, black was tree. I miss Cedarloo.
- Cotton is not your friend in winter.
- This time of year I wear 4 outfits every day. 1 the clothes I ride to work in. 2 my work clothes. 3 the clothes I wear when I ride home. 4 the clothes I chang into after I get home. It almost makes me feel gay, I am a lesbian.
- The key to winter riding is to dress warm enough without sweating.
- Winter riding sweat is not as gross as summer riding sweat.
- When I get home after riding when it is 20F I change clothes and start dinner. If it was 90F outside I'd have to shower then drink a liter of water before dinner
- You should always be cold when you start a winter ride. You warm up as you ride.
- Windproof and water proof gloves are essential
- I purchase up to 4 pairs of those cheap brown "Jersey" gloves every autumn
- Gloves have 3 purposes: 1 keep hands warm 2 protect hands when you crash 3 wipe snot off nose
- A woman riding with one brown glove and one bare hand is the same woman that rides with one sock on Ragbrai. I've never met her but sometimes you got to do what you got to do! 4th use of glove.
- It seems that the warmer the gloves are the lack of a nice nose wiping material they possess
- When winter arrives I swap out my SPDs for cheap platform pedals. I like to get my feet off the pedals as quickly as I can. Salt and sand ruin the bearing surfaces of SPDs and Egg Beaters.
- My $50 pair of waterproof boots keep my feet warmer in winter than a $250 pair of Lakes plus I do not worry about unclipping.
- I use 2 pairs of boots in winter. Rotation to keep them dry.
- 14F is my record for riding with sandals
- I like to ride when it is below 0F at least once a year just to say I did.
- People at work are amazed when I affirm their question if I rode to work when it is 30F. They shit their pants when I ride in single digits.
- When it really cold it takes me a mile to warm up.
- When it is extremely forsakenly cold it takes 2 miles to warm up.
- To distract my mind from the miserable cold deadly temperatures I meditate on the Rosary as I ride. No beads so I just move my fingers on the handlebars. I can get half way to work if I do the whole thing except for the prayers I have yet to memorize.
- I have yet to see a recumbent in the snow.
- It truly is an accomplishment to commute to and fro work on bicycle when it is fucking cold.
- Cheapass Shimano freehubs will freewheel both directions when it is below Zerex if you do not maintain them properly.
- One winter morning it took me 3 bikes to get to work. 1 had a flat, the 2nd had frozen pawls in the freewheel. The mtb worked.
- My buddy tells me stories about riding a Peugeot 10 speed down University Ave in Waterloo during a blinding snowstorm during the 70s. I'd like to see him do that again. 70s 10 speed, no knobbies!
- The powers that be need to plow the Bill Riley/Walnut Creek/Windsor Heights trail on weekends. After all the joggers hit it the surface is more cratered than the moon.
- A cheap pair of knobbies gets the job done, too
- My first BRR, the Official SAG Vehicle handed out Bubweisers in Rippey.
- A few BRRs ago cops in Rippey made up dump out our beers when we left Rippey. I wasted a Guiness and a Heineken. Fucker
- The 12 miles from Perry to Rippey is a barren wasteland during BRR. Still it feels like Ragbrai except it is as cold as it is as hot and there is a headwind no matter what direction you go
In 2006 I did not make it past the first ditch in Perry. There was a terrible headwind and I've seen it all before |
- Joan Gill saved my life on BRR. Thank you for the SAG
- I remember a woman getting hassled at the Ballyhoo because her peach colored jersey made it appear as if she was topless.
- That drive home from Perry is bad
- The best way to do BRR is to start drinking at 9am and leave when the bar starts charging cover
- The BRR committee finally stopped mailing me registration forms. I have not paid for BRR since the 90s
- The Big Wheel Rally is the most dangerous ride in the world
- Team Joker used to sponsor a gravel road mtb race in January and February. Snowbike XO Race. It was fun. I came in 3rd place for my age group both races. The second race I actually beat a rider!
- Enjoy global warming/cooling/climate change; the return to normal will be hell
- The Earth will not die until the Sun goes red giant. That's a few billion years from now, you will be dead by then.