Tuesday, December 31, 2013


Third time the charm I guess.  Pleasantly surprised that Clive's Greenbelt Trail was cleared of snow all the way to the surface.  Monday's snow was brushed away.  Today's effort was the best job I have seen on that trail in a long time.   Thank you.  Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Now before we all grab road bikes and rollerblades there is something I must let you know.  The ice from the previous two snow events is still on the trail.  There are significant sections of trail that are dangerously covered with ice.  Be careful.  Wear helmets.  Watch your speed.

I will say that Clive did a better job removing the latest snow than Des Moines did on the Walnut Creek and Bill Riley trails.  But remember this, the Sun's love will melt the remnants in Des Moines quicker than the ice in Clive.

Once again, thank you Clive Parks & Rec.

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