At the junkyard. 2 Mustang IIs, an early 60s Comet and an late 70s early 80s Z-28. |
My planned pre-dawn start of a century failed. Too tired and it was a bit chilly. We, Mary and I, had to be in Johnston at 1 pm to help my mother. Hate it when people schedule things during prime time biking hours but we had to do the right thing. I was ready to give it all up but then decided at 6 am that we could have breakfast and then ride to Indianola and back. Usual route to Carlisle and the Summerset Trail.
Buffalo Sweat Oatmeal Cream Stout. Also available at the bar in Mingo and in tallboys. |
What I was not expecting were all the stops to take photos. At Mullets for breakfast I photographed my beer for the
Brewvet Challenge, 8 rides of a total of at least 40 miles, review of the beer which should preferably be a craft beer, 8 different locations and bike beers count. Easy!
The Geocouching photos. Coffee mug, plunger and Trivial Pursuit game there as well. Dumped off the road, down a ditch and next to a cornfield. |
Then when busting out of town at the flat before the climb I spotted a recliner that could be used for the Geocouching game. More info on this at
Geocouching Series I lead Iowa on this. In fact, I placed Iowa on the map for this!
Almost to the top of that hill I looked at the junkyard where a few years back some classic broken tooth man asked us if we were "doin' the Hy Vee?" Which after talking to him meant "are you participating in the Hy Vee Triathalon?" I'm fat, mister, and I only ride bikes for amusement and commuting and not to make up for some inadequacy. Anyway, no one was there but instead a wonderful rotting Mustang II Cobra was begging for me to take its photo for the Abandoned and Neglected Vehicles FB Group. I saved this photo session for later. Normally, on our return we take SE 57th back instead of riding down thie hill on SE 45th to avoid the hills on E Brooks Dr. But since we are training for a major bicycle tour,
RASDAK, riding up hills is good. Mary agreed.
Cobra II |
At this point we were still on the outskirts of Des Moines. Nothing to stop for the rest of the way except for Casey's in Carlisle for a potty break. We were pleased to discover that the railroad crossings on E Brooks Dr and in Avon Lake were redone to make them smoother for cars and bicycles.
At Casey's General Store in Carlisle. Obligatory bike photo. Usually our tandem here. |
Purchased a poppy for Vets. |
The poppy photo of my bike was a sun bleached fail so through the magic of editing we have this strange photo! |
The Summerset Trail looked busy with the trailhead full of cars but the trail itself was not crowded. I will say this, this has to be the friendliest trail in central Iowa. Nobody was training for a race and everyone turned their head and smiled whenever I said, "hello, two bikes passing on your left." Even the vicious red wing blackbirds seemed friendly.
Wanted an action shot of my view. Not the best. |
This was the first action shot photo. Took the second one because 18 mph is better than 15 mph. |
We took the trail all the way into Indianola and stopped at the trailhead with the restrooms and sheltered tables. A person there asked if we saw his wife running. There were many women running as we approached town. He described her and it did not ring a bell. "Purple shoes," he said. Sorry. If I look at a runner's shoes it's usually the soles I see. Eventually she arrived.
Mary in Indianola. Coke vending machine is gone. |
We also spotted a Team Ska sticker that someone left when he rode with us two Septembers ago. Tried to photograph it but even without the flash it did not show up well. Hence, no photo of it here.
Guess I had one Team Ska photo left on the phone. |
The trip back was a bit windy. It was also full of Mustangs. There were a few on the way down but now there were many. New ones and old ones. Highlights were a green 69 fastback and a candy apple red 67 convertible. SHARP!! Even a few convertibles of the 1994-2004 vintage as well as the post 2005 models. But probably the best or at least the most coincidental was the 1979 Pace Car that slowed down and looked when we were leaving the Mustang II graveyard. The successor of those dead ponies appeared after we honored them. Weird!
We stopped at home first. Talked to the neighbors son since she, 89 years old, had some surgery done last week. 2 weeks of rehab. They saved her feet. She's walking again. We need to change out of our biking regalia and into normal clothing for the 11 mile ride then 5 hour sit in Johnston then 11 miles back home. Nothing worse than sitting in bike shorts for hours and hours after a ride. Nothing significant about taking the Trestle to Trestle trail. Weaving through the post Farmers Market crowd took skill and attention and for once I was glad to have a helmet on. This was on the Principal River Walk. I was able to show Mary a hidden trail in Johnston to get to my mother's apartment.
The ride back was the most difficult. Legs were in repair mode and stiff. Energy levels on low. Managed to make it. Spotted the third Camaro of the day. A new one parked at the ball park. The second was on SE 22nd, an 80's style black with aftermarket yellow trim as some sort of gaudy Hawkeyes Camaro gone crap but if it makes the owner feel happy...
The first Camaro of the day. |
72.4 miles. Lots of things accomplished. A great day to be on a bicycle with Mary..
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